Aim High

Every child deserves a champion.

Meet the team who believes in them, teaches them, and wins for them.

We are a Brooklyn-based agency and preschool program that brings out the best in students with both special and typical learning needs.

See how we can give your child a shot at success.

You have a son. Or a daughter.

Their toothy smiles and deep dimples melt your heart like chocolate on a summer’s day.

Bittersweet chocolate, truthfully.

Because you have a niggling, tickling feeling
that all isn’t quite right with your delicious toddler.

Because you have a niggling, tickling feeling that all isn’t quite right with your delicious toddler.

But your child doesn’t.

And you, the unstoppable, invincible,
boo-boo kissing, tear-wiping, bogeyman-slaying parent

And you, the unstoppable, invincible, boo-boo kissing, tear-wiping, bogeyman-slaying parent

just can’t seem to make it right this time.

They can have a happy ending.

Or rather, beginning.

(Cue triumphant music)

Their champion is here.

Our team at Aim High provides individualized and integrated academic and related services to children ages 3-5 diagnosed with a disability.

But more importantly,
we provide a relationship.

At Aim High, we know that no significant progress happens without an empowering relationship behind it.

And we have the expertise, compassion, and give-it-all-you-got attitude to get your child where they need to be.

For over 20 years, we’ve readied more than 3,000 preschoolers for kindergarten, dramatically improving their communication, pre-academic skills, and overall well-being.

We’re in the business of championing children

“I love the teachers. They really know Nicholas and care about him. Hands down, his emotional well-being is the most important thing for me. It’s the comfort and care and that sense of security that creates a love for learning.

As a parent, to know that your child is nurtured, loved, and cared for — that’s priceless."

Danielle C.
Nicholas’s mom

Our envy-of-Brooklyn UPK integrated-class model encourages learning, language, and social development through art, music, movement, and play.

This child-initiated approach nurtures a love of learning in children with and without special needs. A bold but brilliant paradigm, integration allows typically developing children to serve as peer models for children with special needs, while gaining values of sensitivity, loyalty, and sportsmanship.

The best of both worlds converge at Aim High.

Your child with special needs

Will succeed here.

"The children with and without disabilities get along beautifully.

I love their integrated program and have already enrolled my second daughter.”

mom of two preschoolers

“It’s wonderful that Nicholas is in the same class with students different than him.

It teaches him to appreciate all kinds of people, and I hope it will make him a better, more empathetic person."

Danielle C.
Nicholas’ mom

Your child with typical needs

Will succeed here.
Fully licensed by the NYCDOE, our agency is approved to provide the full gamut of special education services at no cost to you.
SEIT. Check
Evaluations. Check
Related Services. Check
Integrated classes. Check
Universal Pre-K (UPK) classes. Check
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) classes. Check

Communication, collaboration, cooperation.

Check, check, check.

Delivering professional and personalized education for pint-sized people looks like this:

01. Initiate

Ball is in your court: Request an evaluation

You notice that your toddler is displaying any of the following concerns: poor memory skills, poor hand-eye coordination, distractibility, impulsivity, behavioral challenges, delayed speech development, inability to tolerate changes in routine or interact with peers, or difficulty with transitioning and following directions.
Write to the CPSE to request an evaluation.
Sit tight!

02. Evaluate

Choose a champion: Select an agency

Our agency is approved to provide evaluations for children ages 2.9 to 5 to determine eligibility for services.  You may contact the child’s local Committee for Preschool Education (CPSE) or call us and we will direct you.
You’re getting there!

03. Collaborate

Team huddle: Meet with the experts

You will be invited to join the CPSE meeting to determine your child’s eligibility for a special classification. If your child is found eligible after reviewing the evaluation results, the CPSE team will develop an Individualized Education Program (IEP) to map your child’s personal goals and service recommendations. You will also be prompted to select an agency to provide your child’s services.
The hard part is in the bag!

04. Educate

Go for the gold: Start services

Your child can now begin services. Recommendations by the CPSE can include referrals for a special education preschool, integrated class, SEIT (special education itinerant teacher), or related service providers (speech, occupational, or physical therapy). Communication is a critical part of the process, and quarterly reports from providers will update you about your child’s progress.
Goal! Slam Dunk! Touchdown!

Every child deserves a shot at success

“Ethan has ASD and was completely non-verbal at the age of three. I really needed a preschool that would teach him to communicate. CPSE recommended Aim High, and I was impressed with the reviews I heard. The level of attention the staff dote on their students is remarkable, and I feel like he learns something new everyday.

He’s constantly surprising me with new skills he’s gained. He’s begun verbalizing more, playing, and interacting with others. I’ve seen really amazing progress."

Vanetta L.
Ethan’s mom

Our students are winners because we believe in their power to achieve.

0 %

of our parent body reported progress in their children after just six months of intervention.

0 %

saw progress after a mere three months!

Real-life wins


“He knows how to recognize letters, spell his name, and count.”

Mark’s dad


“He can actually
have a conversation
with me!”

Naeemah D.

Social Skills

“Love how he learned how to interact so well with the other kids.”

Maria S.
Giovanni’s mom


“He’s so much more agreeable and in control of himself!“


Excellence. Effort. Exceptional empathy.

A winning combination.

This can be your child’s experience too.

Aim once. Aim right. AIM HIGH.